Tuesday, June 1, 2010

On WindowStyle set to None the maximized window hides the taskbar

Was going through the sample code in "WPF Control Development Unleashed" i saw that the custom chrome window would hide the taskbar on maximize. Lucky someone already had it fixed:

Actually I got to it from this article:
It contains all you need to know about customizing the title bar in wpf application



  1. Hi,

    I looked at the code in the articles that you linked and implemented (copied, really) the code into my own app. The code works great for what it was meant to do, but seems to break the MinWidth/MinHeight constraints of my window. Do you know of a solution to this problem?


  2. @gpicazo Actually no.

    Custom chrome works great on silverlight (builtin support). I would love to know if you solve it for wpf :).

    My work arounds:

    In wpf I did a resize based on min values at end of drag. But during drag the user can take it below min values.

    If you use devexpress they have a custom chrome window that does not have this issue. I don't know how they solved it though.
