Wednesday, January 19, 2011

WCF End to End tracing sample

An year into the tech and I just found out that WCF now comes with an End to End tracing sample.
Check out the "Extended Tracing" sample here:

You can run it with setting up IIS as well.

  • Just check out service properties "Specific Port" and set it as 3333.
  • Open App.config and modify the endpoint address to be "http://localhost:3333/service.svc"
  • I recommend you add to the section in web.config 
  • Make sure you create the folder  "C:\logs\"
  • Run the sample
  • You should get two new files (you might need to stop the development server)
    • ExtendingTracing-client.svclog
    • ExtendingTracing-service.svclog

1 comment:

  1. Complete sample and source code got recently published here:

    I am just wondering on how I will be able to achieve it for WCF REST/Data Services (OData)
